9 Protocols in place for the health of Lokaal members:

Last updated: Updated April 1, 2022.

The following special COVID19 protocols are in place for the health and well-being of Lokaal members until April 1st, 2022:

As of March 21, 2022, the Province lifted requirements to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks with the exception of public transit and healthcare environments. As of April 1st 2022, Lokaal has lifted these requirements as well in keeping with public health guidelines.

  1. AS OF SEPT 22, 2021 the Province required all meeting space facilities to confirm people entering the space be fully vaccinated (2 doses) against COVID-19 unless exempt for medical reasons. All Lokaal members, visitors and guests are required to confirm this either through the new digital vaccine passport system or by providing the Ontario Ministry of Health official vaccination receipt. You may send proof of vaccination to work@lokaal.space or show it upon entry. All visitors will be required to wear masks while in Lokaal. This proof of vaccination mandate at Lokaal will be lifted effective April 1st 2022, however, we continue to ask all members and visitors to respect the self-screening guidelines for entry as noted in point #3 below.

  2. Contact Tracing is no longer required for visitors or guests. A reminder however that visitors may not occupy a seat other than in a booked meeting room or the lounge sofa unless they have a paid day pass. You can arrange a day pass through the community manager at work@lokaal.space.

  3. All members & visitors are asked to self-assess EACH DAY before coming to Lokaal and if feeling the least bit sick or exhibiting any symptoms, to refrain from coming into the space out of courtesy to our member community here. Lokaal will offer you a pro-rated credit for any missed time in the interest of keeping all other members healthy.

  4. If you have been exposed or have come in contact with someone who has tested COVID positive in the last week, we ask that you closely monitor yourself for symptoms and if possible, avoid coming to Lokaal for 5 days post-exposure and symptom-free. As noted above, we will prorate a credit for missed time in respect of your kind consideration.

  5. Masks must be worn while in any publicly accessible spaces in the building and when 2m physical distancing cannot be maintained. We ask that masks be worn at all times when not at your own physical workstation. This would include entering/leaving the building and circulating through the space heading to the phone booth, kitchen, meeting room or washrooms. You may of course eat at your workstation. We expect to lift the masking requirement on April 1, 2022.

  6. Windows will be opened throughout the space whenever possible during the day to ensure a generous flow of fresh air from outside. During the colder months, heating will be turned up, we recommend dressing in layers to accommodate cooler indoor temps during the winter. In the hotter weather AC will be turned on only once indoor temperatures increase to 26C or more, relying more on our incredible passive air ventilation to ensure safe volume air exchange. Air filtration systems use Merv13/14 filters changed at an increased frequency and systems are set to permit maximum fresh air intake (versus recycled) at approximately 2.5X the standard hourly rate of exchange.

  7. While we now know that transmission is principally airborne, we continue to practice increased daily cleaning and disinfection of all common high-touch points including all handles, chair backs, armrests, seats and all desk surfaces. We have installed a hand sanitizer station at the ground floor entrance and ask that you either use this or better yet, wash your hands upon arrival to Lokaal.

  8. Glasses, Ceramic mugs, plates and cutlery are perfectly safe to use. Something your parents never said… “Please do NOT wash your dishes”… Please ensure that you place your used dishes, cutlery, glassware and mugs DIRECTLY into the dishwasher which will be run on HOT (with soap of course) to kill all viruses and bacteria. Please try to only touch dishes that you will use.

  9. We have designed and now offer deskPET workstation dividers as a temporary partition to allow for improved separation of desktop workspaces. If you would feel more comfortable having a deskPET, please let us know and we’ll provide one for you.